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Song of Smoke and Fire Page 14
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Page 14
When Smok stands before Reinhold, the German prince pauses. He slowly looks up at the dragon. He lets go of Wanda.
Then he screams.
Smok snarls. Before Prince Reinhold has a chance to get his sword out Smok bites down, hard.
Smok flings Reinhold (or rather, what is left of his limbs) to the center of the courtyard, and takes a deep breath. With a quick jet of flame, Smok sets Reinhold on fire. But it doesn’t matter anyway… Reinhold is already dead.
“Wanda!” I rush forward. I grab her arms, squeezing them tightly. “Are you all right?”
“I am well.” She attempts to fix her hair, which is a complete mess, and ignores the carnage that was her captor sizzling in the middle of the square like it’s no fuss. “What an absolute brute! He had no idea how to treat a lady.”
“He was kidnapping you, Wanda,” I remind her.
“Yes, but was he such a barbarian he couldn’t even do it the right way? There are kidnappers who treat their women so well they end up falling in love, you know. There are stories about it.”
“No wonder no woman wanted to marry him. If I was him I’d believe I’d have to steal a princess, too.” She finally finishes, her face pink and flustered.
She looks up at Smok towering above her. “Oh. Hello there, dragon. You must be the one Fliss is always talking about.”
“I do not always talk about him! I’ve mentioned him to you once!” I shriek as Smok grins.
With the massacre of their prince, the German army completely falls into disarray. The soldiers fall back and begin to retreat. The Krakow forces follow them, slaying those who are foolish enough to stay.
“I think I can take care of this,” Smok says cheerfully. “Do you mind?”
“Oh no, not at all,” I say, gesturing to the retreating army. “Go right on ahead.”
Smok takes off. From the ruins of the fortress, Wanda and I watch as Smok and the rest of the Pole forces push the German army back, out of Krakow and into the plains beyond.
The Polish forces that were left behind cheer. Myself, I’m standing around dumbfounded. I honestly can’t believe we pulled this off.
Wanda throws her arms up in the air with the rest of her people. “Hooray! We won!”
“Yes, Wanda.” I laugh. “We won.”
A little time later, Smok comes flying back. He lands beside us and changes back into a man.
“I doubt they’ll be returning anytime soon,” he informs me. “You needn’t worry, Fliss. Your home is safe.”
“Thank you, Smok.” I reach out to give his hand a loving squeeze. “We wouldn’t have claimed victory today if it wasn’t for you.”
“You gave me the courage to become the man I always wanted to be,” Smok replies honestly. “As far as I’m concerned, I’m still in your debt.”
Wanda eyes Smok. “You weren’t lying, Fliss. He’s certainly dashing.”
Wanda saunters up to Smok, fluttering her eyelashes and extending her hand. “I’m Princess Wanda, daughter of King Krakus. And you are?”
“I am called Smok, my lady.” Smok kisses her hand. Wanda giggles as she pulls it away.
“All right, that’s enough,” I say, getting between the two of them. “Wanda, you have your knight. Let me have my dragon.”
Wanda squeals. “Fliss! It is true, you are in love! And can’t you see, you two are meant for each other! You must be married at once! Oh!” She claps her hands. “What about a duel wedding? We can both be brides together!”
“Well…” I say, looking up at Smok. The only answer he gives me is a coy gleam in his dark gaze. “We’ll see.”
Our little moment between the three of us is broken as the people of Krakow close in. They’re silent; most of them are looking at us like they can’t believe their eyes. Some are fearful. Others, malicious… eyes betraying evil intent. Smok might have saved Krakow. But to some here, he’s still nothing more than a dragon.
A very, very dangerous dragon.
I entwine Smok’s arm in my own and hold it tightly, for his comfort.
“Don’t worry,” I whisper. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Smok swallows, and nods. From within the crowd emerges a stern man, covered in blood and standing tall above the others. His gaze still burns with distrust and hatred.
King Krakus.
Chapter Nineteen
He can’t still hate Smok after all my dragon’s done, can he? Maybe he can. I take hold of Smok’s arm and hold it tightly. Whatever Krakus rules, I’m still standing by Smok’s side.
Krakus takes a step forward. “Why did you do this, dragon? After all these years, why do you now show love for Krakow and our home? Why save us after your years spent in solitude, with no mind toward the lives of our people?”
I want to shout at the king that Smok has always cared about the people of Krakow, but I know if I say something now I ruin Smok’s chance to defend himself.
Smok swallows. He rubs the bottom of his face and says, “Things have changed. I had no reason to leave my cave or to involve myself in the affairs of humans.”
Smok looks at me. “But then I asked for a woman to accompany me on my journey across the world. I met Fliss, and everything changed. I have fallen in love with her, your majesty. If this is her home, it is also mine. As such, I am obligated to protect and defend it.”
Krakus’ gaze changes, from distrustful to something else. I cannot describe it… though if I had to use a word, I would say satisfied.
Krakus turns to look at me, a gaze of pride written upon his kingly face. He doesn’t express approval, or congratulate us on our love. Rather, it’s as if he thinks I purposefully manipulated Smok’s feelings to my own advantage.
It makes me uneasy.
“Very well!” The king claps his hands. “We should host a feast in the dragon’s honor! Let us celebrate this victory for Krakow’s triumph over the Germans!”
Some of the surrounding knights cheer, but most of the crowd is pretty cowed. I’m with them; a feast, now, when half the village has been destroyed?
“Father, is now really the right time?” Wanda asks softly, putting a hand on the king’s shoulder. “Many of our people have been killed, and it will take time to clean the mess left behind by the battle. Some of our buildings have been burnt or smashed to the ground. Can’t the feast wait?”
“Nonsense!” the king booms. “The great hall is still standing. We should remember our dead through a celebration that acknowledges their sacrifice. Tonight it is!”
Murmers sweep throughout the village. Krakus orders the soldiers to start burying the bodies and the peasants to begin rebuilding the fortress before he leaves, probably to cobble together the remaining cooks to tell them to whip up a banquet.
Wanda jogs over to me. “I’m going after Father. I don’t believe he’s feeling well.” She bites her lip. “I’ll see you at the feast?”
“Of course.” I nod. When she runs away, I glance at Smok. “Strange that Krakus would want to celebrate now. Half the fortress has been crushed.”
“It is rather odd to celebrate when so many are in mourning.” Smok’s brow furrows, but then he shakes his head. “It is no matter. We’ll go. Perhaps this is the king’s sign of making peace.”
Smok grabs my hand. “Fliss, would it be quite possible to speak with you, alone? I know this is rather abrupt, but I’ve been thinking of what to say to you for days, and my heart feels this can no longer wait.”
“Alone?” My heart skips a beat. “Why… yes. Where shall we go?”
“I know a place.” Smok pulls me through the rubble. We maneuver over fallen stones and broken wood on our way out of the village. He leads me around the opposite side, down the giant hill only to climb another.
This hill is taller than the one Krakow sits upon, and has a collection of trees along with a long, flat rock perfect for sitting at the top. It overlooks everything… the sun casts down an orange glow upon the earth as the d
ay lengthens.
Smok sits down on the rock, and I follow his lead. He cups my hands in his large ones. “Fliss. What are your plans going forward? You are a freewoman now. What would you like to do?”
“Plans?” I lean backward. “I suppose I have none.” I think. “I would like to stay here in Krakow, with Wanda. Yet I’ve seen the world now, but only a little part of it. I believe I would like to see more.”
“There’s a place I’d like to take you,” Smok says. He’s a little nervous. His hands shake slightly. “I think you would love it there.”
“Where is it?” I ask curiously.
“It’s a surprise.” He smiles coyly. “I don’t want to ruin it, but I also don’t want to make you feel you’re being forced into going somewhere you don’t wish to. If you want to stay in Krakow, you’re more than welcome to, and if you want to travel the world, then do it.”
He hesitates. “My only request is no matter where you are, let me be there with you.”
“I always want you here with me, Smok,” I say. “I’m not quite sure what I want to do yet. But just know that wherever I am, you will be there as well. Always.”
He smiles. “Your song spoke to my heart. I wasn’t completely certain if you loved me before, even if you said so, because I didn’t believe anyone could love a monster. It drove me to get back to you.”
“All of it was honest and true,” I say. “I meant each word.”
Smok puts his forehead against mine. “I didn’t believe I deserved a second chance,” he whispers.
“It doesn’t matter whether you deserved it or not, only that it happened.” I kiss his temple. “It was too much for us to be separated forever. Fate intervened, and the gods decided to return me to you. And I will be forever grateful they did.”
Smok and I sit upon the hill for a long time. We talk about our future, and all the adventures we want to have together. He doesn’t mention marriage… yet. I find it inconceivable that only a few weeks ago I was totally alone in the world, and now I’ve found the love of my life. Why have the gods decided to be so fortunate and smile upon me? I suppose I will never know.
After the sun sets I can hear the tell-tale signs of lutes and harps being played within Krakow. The feast has started.
“Come on,” I say, rising to my feet. “The banquet’s begun. We don’t want to insult the king by not attending.”
Smok stands, though he appears anxious. “Do you really think they’ll accept me, a dragon?”
“All will be well.” I lean against him, for his comfort. “You saved Krakow. They will be grateful. They must be. Without you, all of them would be dead today.” I hesitate. “And I would be Zirnitra’s prisoner.”
Smok lifts my chin with his gentle hand. “I would die before I let you be his slave.” His eyes are burning, passionate. They’re impossible to look away from as he creates a powerful connection between the two of us. “If he ever bothers you again, I will kill him. I know the legends say that you cannot kill a god, but I will find a way.”
“You won’t have to do that.” I kiss him tenderly. “You defeated Zirnitra. He knows never to come back. From now on, nothing on earth will separate you and me.”
Before we arrive, I change into another one of my dresses, as this one is old and covered in mud. I really should’ve taken a bath earlier, but I can’t help it now. I was too immersed in my conversation with Smok.
It’s not like Smok looks like a lord, anyhow. His tunic is still stained with blood from the battle. Ah, well. You can’t say he doesn’t fit the part of a dragon.
Smok’s body gets more and more rigid the closer we venture to the feast. I cling tightly to his arm. Smok has faced mermaids, Norsemen, fae, and other perils on our adventure, but he seems more scared now than any of those times before. Can he really be so terrified of humans? Or is he more frightened of how he will appear to them?
The village is still torn to bits, but at least the bodies have been removed. We maneuver around the trails of blood drying on the ground and head toward the great hall, one of the few pieces of the fortress still left standing.
When we enter we’re greeted by applause and cheer. The Poles pound their feet into the floor, creating a stampede effect. I smile, but Smok is more frightened than ever. He doesn’t trust them.
“It’s going to be all right,” I whisper. I notice that there’s two seats left open next to the king. Those must be where we’re supposed to sit. “Come on.”
I drag Smok to the table. He pulls out the chair for me, and I sit, keeping an eye on the king. Krakus doesn’t wince or sneer when Smok sits beside him. Instead, the king claps a hand on the dragon’s back.
“I’m glad to see you here. We’ve been at odds too long, dragon. It is about time we’ve made peace,” the king says.
Smok’s mouth is thin. “I agree. It’s a good thing to have us come together.”
“And all to Fliss!” Krakus roars, giving a boastful laugh. He rises to his feet and lifts his mug. “A toast! To the dragon of Wawel hill, and the maiden who befriended him!”
“Sto lat!” The crowd raises its drinks once before downing them in one gulp. I’m put more at ease. Krakus wouldn’t be this hospitable to an enemy. He’s accepted Smok as one of us.
The band plays cheerful tunes while couples twirl to the music on the floor. Smok gets up, and offers me a hand. “Would you like to dance, my lady?”
Me? Dance? I get up, and nearly trip over my own feet. The chair goes sprawling to the side. As Smok picks it up, I blush. “Uh… yes, sure. I would love to.”
Smok takes my hand. He leads me to the center of the room, where we begin twirling. I have a feeling he merely wants to dance to get away from the king. Doesn’t bother me. At least I’m finally dancing with a man, even the one of my dreams.
I notice that people give us more room than necessary on the floor. Smok doesn’t seem to mind. When dancing with me, Smok’s face is alight.
“We used to dance often. Do you remember?” Smok askes as he spins me around.
“I don’t remember much of anything.” I giggle. I’m getting dizzy. I come to a stop and end up crashing against his chest. He holds me upright as I say, “You are a very good dancer. I can barely keep my feet.”
“Doesn’t matter. You look beautiful all the same.” His lips crush against my hair. A fluttery feeling enters my stomach. I force myself to stay upright to avoid embarrassing myself further.
Krakus’ eyes follow us around the room as we spin. I try to ignore them and focus on the fact that Smok’s finally smiling instead of scowling. He’s having a good time. He’s happy. It’s all I ever wanted.
The smell of food causes the dancing to come to a stop. Servants carrying large trays exit the kitchens. Smok guides us back to our seats. My dragon is somewhat terse as he takes his spot again next to Krakus, but the king doesn’t say much. Merely sips his ale and smiles.
Wanda and her knight have joined us. It’s a bit of a relief. At least conversation now won’t be so awkward and tense.
“You looked like a one-legged chicken out there on the dance floor, Fliss!” Wanda cries. She pounds the table with her fist as she laughs. “I’ve never seen such ungainly movement in all my life!”
“I like her clumsiness,” Smok says, wrapping an arm around me as a happy warmth spreads throughout my core. “In fact, I believe it quite cute.”
“Oh, how very sweet,” Wanda coos. “They’re so perfect together, aren’t they, Krzysztof?”
Krzysztof doesn’t say anything, merely gives a grunt. He’s the strong, silent kind of man, which is just as well if he’s to be married to the princess. You can’t get much of a word in when talking to Wanda.
The servants distribute plates of mutton piled high with bread and potato pancakes. After Krakus takes the first bite, the rest of us dig in. I find the mutton juicy, and full of flavor. Krzysztof’s nearly finished half his plate before Wanda stops chattering long enough to begin.
“I’d like
to thank you again, dragon, for saving Krakow,” Krakus says as he eats. “Your sacrifice for our village will forever be remembered in our people’s history.”
“As I said before, it was nothing. I would do anything to save that which Fliss holds dear,” Smok says, taking a bite of mutton. That familiar joyful feeling radiates throughout my chest again. Smok swallows, then smiles at me.
But then…
Smok’s smile falters. His skin turns pale white, and his face crumples into a visage of pain. He grips the table tightly. The wood cracks underneath the strength of his fingers.
“Smok.” I grab his wrist. “What’s wrong? Are you all right?”
Smok opens his mouth to tell me, but only ends up gasping for air. Thick foam begins pouring from the corners of his mouth, dribbling down his chin.
Smok collapses out of his chair. He begins convulsing on the floor, legs and arms twitching. I fall to my knees beside him and cradle his head in my lap. The convulsions get worse. Smok heaves to take a breath. His veins pop out underneath his skin, black and dark. His eyes seek out mine.
Help me, they say.
“What’s going on? Who did this to you?” I wail. Tears start pouring from my eyes. They fall upon his chest. I go to wipe them away, but pull back when I can feel his heartbeat beating rapidly and violently against his ribcage. I look around in an attempt to figure out what’s going on before my eyes land on his plate.
The food. He’s been poisoned.
My dragon is dying.
“Your majesty, please do something!” I scream. I look to King Krakus, but my body turns stiff and cold when I realize that he’s standing over us, a triumphant smile written upon his cruel face.
Chapter Twenty
“Why?” I don’t sound like myself as I scream the word at Krakus. “Why did you do this to him? WHY?”
“A dragon cannot be trusted,” Krakus says coldly. “I asked you to be cunning, to get the dragon to your side, and you followed my orders beautifully. Never again will we worry about our village being plagued by a dragon.”