Song of Smoke and Fire Page 15
“I didn’t ask for this! I love him!” I screech.
“Dragons are beasts. They cannot love!” Krakus bellows.
His face is red with rage. Krakus’ hatred is more powerful than compassion or understanding. He used Smok to defeat the Germans, and will now dispose of him since he is no longer of worth. I played right into the king’s hands.
I did this to Smok. I am the reason he’s going to die. By the gods, I wish I had never met him. I wish I had never been foolish enough to venture into his cave. I could’ve spared him from this terrible fate.
“Father, how can you do this?” Wanda gets up from the table. She throws her chair to the side and it slams against the wall. A leg shatters off. “How could you be so cruel?”
“You are a demon!” I shout at Krakus. “Only a monster could do something like this to a creature so kind!”
“Be quiet, slave!” Krakus roars. “Don’t speak to me of things you don’t understand!”
“I am not a slave!” I relinquish the seax from its sheath. I wave it in the air with tears in my eyes, displaying it to the room, reveling in the precous gift Smok gave me... the gift of my own life. “I am a freewoman! I can think as I like, do as I like! You no longer own me, Krakus! I belong to no one but this dragon!”
“I will do what I must to protect Krakow from current and future enemies!” Krakus yells. “Both of you will come to your senses after the dragon is dead.”
“If he dies, I will kill you myself and burn this entire village to the ground!” I scream.
The room gasps. The king’s eyes widen. I go to attack, but a hand grabs my wrist. It’s Smok. His eyes are pleading and desperate.
“Fliss…” Smok manages to wrestle out a few, choked words. “Let… me… go.”
“Never!” I cling to him. “I will never let you go!”
“Not… meant… to be.” A small breath whooshes out between the dragon’s lips. The fire within his chest starts to fade. His body runs cold instead of hot. The fingers wrapped around my wrist slacken, and his hand falls to the floor.
Smok’s eyes close in an infinite finality, and with them, my soul dies.
“No!” I fling myself upon Smok’s chest and begin to weep. “No, Smok! No! You cannot leave me here, alone in the world! Please, come back!”
Smok does not stir. A sob wrenches itself from my throat. I give a shuddering gasp. The room is utterly silent, besides the sound of my tears.
I lift my head off of Smok’s chest, which is now soaked. His face is frozen in time. Unbidden, a song begins to rise out from within. With a voice choked with tears, I begin to sing.
“Many years have passed,
Between you and I, dearest love,
They lay forgotten on the sands of time,
Blown away by whisps of wind.
Yet I have not forgotten you,
And I never will,
Your love is like the fiercest ocean,
A powerful wave seeking to crash upon my shore.
A heart forged in dragon’s fire,
Your wings lead me home,
They cover me with a veil of protection,
They guide me to life once more.
I will never be the same,
And though the night is dark and long,
Your strong arms will never let me go,
They create the clouds and the heavens.
What love has created, let death not separate,
Forever our fates may be entwined,
Please do not forget my song,
A song of smoke and fire.”
When I finish the song, I brush Smok’s hair back from his face. I kiss his forehead, then get up, sniffling. I wipe my face with the back of my sleeve and turn my back on Smok’s lifeless body. It’s not a sight that I can bear.
There’s no point in crying anymore. Smok is dead. I’m dead. I don’t know what I’m going to do now.
“Fliss…” Wanda says. Her voice ripples with astonishment.
“What is it?” I ask. I turn back around. My mouth falls open as I observe the miracle before me.
Smok has been lifted into the air. A swirling column of smoke and fire circles his body, wrapping itself around his legs, his arms and torso. The darkened veins fade away when magic caresses his skin. Color comes back into his cheeks, and Smok’s eyes open as his feet touch the ground. He looks down at himself in astonishment as the spell releases its hold, dissolving away into nothing but thin air.
There are tears in his eyes when he extends his arms to me.
“Fliss,” he whispers. “Your song.”
I run to him. He picks me up and twirls me around twice before embracing me tightly, kissing me fiercely on the mouth. Fresh tears run down my face.
Smok cups a hand to my face, and I say, “Smok. You’re alive.”
“The power of your magic is strong enough to even put a stop to death,” he says. “You were right. Nothing can separate us now, or ever again.”
Smok kisses me again. Yet we’re forced apart by the sound of dishes being swept off the table and smashed onto the floor.
“No!” Krakus cries. You can hear the knuckles in his hands crack as he binds them into fists. “This cannot be! Guards, kill him! Kill the dragon!”
Soldiers and knights unsheathe their swords and venture our way. Smok and I hold tightly to one another.
“Should I change?” he asks, looking around.
“No,” I say. “Let them.” There are too many knights for Smok to fight off all by himself while protecting me. If this is how Krakus wants it to end, then so be it. I’m not going into life or death without my dragon.
Smok and I press against each other as the knights venture closer. Yet there’s soft footsteps, and someone plants herself rebelliously in front of us both. It’s Wanda.
“Daughter, get out of the way!” Krakus snarls. “This is no concern of yours!”
“It most certainly is!” Wanda shouts. Her hair whips around her face as she whirls around to stare down her father. “Fliss is my best friend!”
“Fliss is hardly more than a slave!” Krakus bellows. “Her life isn’t worth the opportunity to potentially slay the Wawel dragon!”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Wanda hisses. “Fliss has more courage than any of us. She was brave enough to venture into the dragon’s cave. She won his heart. She saved Krakow. She’s done everything.”
Wanda turns. Under her breath, she whispers to me. “We’ll be together again soon, Fliss.” Silently, she mouths the word go.
I understand. I understand all the sacrifices Wanda is making to help us escape. Wanda is giving us this chance. We must take it.
“Smok, do it now,” I whisper.
Smok doesn’t hesitate. He changes into a dragon, knocking over tables, chairs and people as his body expands.
I don’t waste any time. I swing around Smok’s leg and hoist myself up on his shoulders, taking the usual spot. Smok growls and hisses to keep the knights away, lashing out with his claws.
Smok crouches down. Over the noise of the panic, I cry out, “I’ll miss you, Wanda!”
Wanda’s got tears in her eyes. “Anything for you, Fliss.”
Smok spreads his wings, and takes off. I duck down behind his spikes, and people scream as he bursts through the roof. Arrows follow us, but Smok avoids them easily as we head into the cover of clouds.
“Where are you taking us?” I ask. The wind is rather cold up here; I hold tightly to Smok’s body, which has once again become fiery and warm.
“To a place far away, where Krakus and his men won’t be able to find us,” he replies.
“What about Zirnitra?” I ask. “Will he try to stop us?”
“He’s still off licking his wounds. He won’t bother us now.” Smok’s wingbeats are up to pace, but leisurely. He truly doesn’t believe anyone will give chase.
There’s a pause. Then Smok says, “It was a very noble thing your friend did for us back there.”
nda. My throat ceases up thinking about it. “The king will punish her. I don’t know how, but he’ll make sure it’s painful for standing up for us and helping us escape.”
“Do you think he’ll torture her?”
I shake my head. “I don’t believe so. The worst thing he could do is not allow her to marry her knight.” I look down upon the city of Krakow. It used to be my world, but seems so small now, now that I’ve seen other places. “That would destroy her.”
“Yes, but it is a sacrifice she made for us,” Smok says firmly. “We should honor her wishes and get away from here.”
My eyes water. “I know.”
“You and Wanda will meet again. I am sure of it,” Smok says gently. “The king won’t be able to keep you two apart forever. There is no force on earth that can separate good friends.”
“I… I hope so.” The village of Krakow slowly fades from sight. I must have hope in what Smok says. Wanda and I will meet again.
And one day, I will repay her for what she’s done for me.
The flight is very long. Smok obviously intends on taking us somewhere I haven’t been before. My heart clenches in pain that I’m getting farther away from Wanda, but also sings with joy that Smok and I will be together, wherever we’re going.
Just as the sun begins to rise, Smok starts trailing downward. As we leave the clouds I notice the familiar shimmer of the Baltic Sea below.
He spirals downward and lands on the shoreline. On a hill overlooking the beach is a small stone cottage with a thatch roof.
“Smok?” I ask. I slide off his back, and walk up the hill to look at the cottage. It seems abandoned. Smok changes into a man and puts his hands on my shoulders, bending down to whisper in my ear.
“I built this house for us to live in many years ago,” he says. “It was supposed to be a surprise for our wedding day, but you died before you could see it. I vowed I would never live in it unless I was with you. I haven’t returned in a very long time. I hoped you’d find it an appropriate place for us to live together.”
My heart is thumping loudly against my chest. “It’s perfect.” I turn to him. “Is this the place you wanted to show me?”
“Yes.” He nods. “I thought we could spend most of our time here, then the rest traveling to wherever we felt like going. If that is what you want.”
“It is what I want.” I step forward, and Smok slides his hands down to my hips. “But how did you know?”
“Because I know you.” His face becomes plagued with worry. “Though I do have some concerns. Are you certain that you want to spend your life with a dragon?”
“Dragons have been around me all my life. I used to think that I was cursed, that the gods fated dragons to follow me.”
I loop my arms around his neck. “Now I suppose dragons never followed me anywhere, but that I always followed dragons. I was meant from birth to be with one. Fated to be with you, forever.”
Smok leans in to kiss me. The wind sweeps back my hair as the waves crash onto the shoreline. I return his affections, his fire and mine joining in an endless eternity. Despite the past, I know one thing; Smok and I are destined to be together. No matter what trials or joys may come, our lives are tied. Death, kings, magic and monsters were not enough to keep us apart. They never will be.
Whatever happens, I am more than happy to love my dragon.
Fliss and Smok’s journey will continue in Book #2 of Song of Dragonfire, Change of Wind and Storms.
To be notified when this book releases, sign up for Megan’s VIP List here (and check out the blurb and cover on the next page!)
If you liked this book, you might also like The Shifter Prophecy, The Kingdom Saga, The Rhodi Saga, or the Creatures of the Lands series.
Megan Linski can be found on, her Facebook page, her Twitter Page, and on Goodreads.
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Song of Dragonfire #2
Smoke. Fire. Air.
All three are required to make me whole.
I need the love that burns within them all.
I need my dragons.
Fliss thought war ended when she saved Krakau; yet war hasn’t even begun. Her dragon, Smok, has vowed to protect her, but not even he can stop the threat that looms over Poland.
Then Fliss discovers a shocking secret— Smok’s brothers are still alive.
A journey across fae kingdoms and siren realms reveals the truth. Both of Smok’s brothers have loved her in the past, and plan to love her again. With three dragons at her side Fliss must reassemble the events of her past lives, and piece together who has been hunting her across centuries.
Yet Fliss has roused the wrath of gods... and there will be no mercy.
War has come once again. Will Fliss’ dragons be able to save her from a dark fate? Or do the gods have other plans?
A sweet and clean reverse harem novel, Change of Wind and Storms is an epic fantasy young adult romance that’s funny, magical, and full of friendship. This fairy tale retelling of Slavic folklore and Polish tradition features a clumsy, lovable, and strong heroine on a coming-of-age quest with three hot dragons who are devoted to her.
Sign up for Megan’s VIP List to be notified when it releases!
Song of Smoke and Fire was so much fun to write. I love dragons, and as such, this book has become one of my favorite projects. This book is very special to me, as Polish blood runs through my veins. I am a Polish girl at heart, as Smok said… stubborn, opinionated, and full of heart.
I enjoyed researching about my own ancient culture and the stories that continue to bring the land to life even today. Although I took some artistic liberties I tried to keep the book as historically accurate to the original fables and the time period as possible.
I would like to thank my friend, Kenya Cooper, for challenging me to write a dragon novel in thirty days or less. Her challenge was the basis for Song of Smoke and Fire after I was inspired by her release of Half-Blood Dragon. She has been an avid supporter of me, and is someone whose career as an author I look up to. She was the person who helped me take the first steps to quit my day job and begin writing from home, which has changed everything (plus her name is really, really badass). Thank you for everything, Kenya.
As always, thank you to Thalia for her mad editing skills, and Connie for her friendship.
"The scream of a dying girl was the singular sound that changed my life, forever."
When Briar enters the Eldermere Woods alone, she never could've imagined the danger that awaited her there. As a young witch, she's sought by hunters who desire her blood, a group of radicals who wish to eliminate all magical creatures. When Briar discovers a fellow witch slaughtered in the forest, her boring afternoon is changed into a fight for her life.
With the help of her dragon shifter love, Thomas, Briar must find a way to stop the witch hunters from destroying her town of Thorny Brook. But is her magic strong enough to defeat her most dangerous enemies? Full of danger, fantasy, and fun, THE WITCH'S CURSE is another thrilling installment by bestselling author Megan Linski.
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About the Author
Megan Linski is the owner of Gryfyn Publishing and has had a passion for writing ever since she completed her first (short) novel at the age of 6. Her specializations are romance, fantasy, and contemporary fiction for young and new adults. When not writing she enjoys ice skating, horse riding, theatre, archery, fishing, and being outdoors. She is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention, and is an active fighter against common variable immune deficiency disorder. She lives in Michigan.
Megan Linski, Song of Smoke and Fire